LKPS Condolence letter

Jai Shri Krishna,

Tarun, Priti, Alka, Maheshbhai, Divya, Jayeshkumar, Mahendrabhai (Brother of Natvarbhai) and all Chilodia family members:

With sadness and regret I express my feelings on behalf of Lal Chuda Kadvapatidar Samaj (LKPS) of USA and all board of directors of Lal Chuda Kadva Patidar Samaj of USA. This is very sad news for whole Chilodia Parivar and all members of our Samaj of USA. Natvarbhai was a learned man and lived his life very happily. He full filled his duties as Father and Grand Pa very well. He was a Statesman to his family and for the Samaj. He was Graduate of M.S University of Baroda in Fine Arts and he was very proud of it. His hobby was to walk, read and watch cricket.

He was native of village Morthana, lived mainly in Vapi and Surat. With his hard work and honesty and good nature he earned respect from family as well as in Samaj. With his sad demise, family has lost an important member and we, LKPS Samaj, have lost a great friend. Our Almighty God gives birth and takes away our loved one whenever he decides and nothing any human can do to stop it. No doubt the separation hurts. However, the best way to mourn is by having “Bhagvad Smaran – Satsang” dedicated to him. He would be very pleased in Vaikunth.

On behalf of LKPS, we pray to all Mighty God to give eternal peace to divine soul of Natvarbhai. From all LKPS members, our condolence to Tarun, Priti, Alka, Maheshbhai, Divya, Jayeshkumar, Mahendrabhai and Chilodia Parivar. May God give you all the strength to withstand the loss.