2011 LKPS Convention Income and Expense

2011 LKPS Convention Income and Expense

Income $ Amount Expenses $ Amount
Convention Fees 56,535.00 Food 28,751.09
adv. Prog.book & booth 10.226.00 Half Rent 15,229.84
Donations 13,055.00 Entertainment 6,351.00
Kid's Activities 2,555.06
Drama 2,491.00
Paper Product 3,844.16
Printing 2,498.50
Postage 92.78
Water Bill 691.22
Decoration 4,250.00
Web Design 1,858.95
Conv. Pre/Post 1,844.75
Total Income 79,816.00 Total Expenses 70,458.35

Total Income = 79,816.00

Total Expense = (68,284.40)

Net Savings = 11,531.60