Lalchuda Kadava Patidar Samaj

Welcome to LKPS

Lalchuda Kadava Patidar Samaj welcomes you to our newly designed website. We hope that our members use this website to keep informed about our samaj’s activities and to help us reach all of our LKPS families from all across the United States and Canada.

As you may know, volunteer organizations are very difficult to operate as it requires time and resources, both of which are a limited commodity today as all of us have responsibilities to our families, businesses, education, and careers. Wehope however that you can carve out a little bit of time to help us run this organization by becoming involved when possible. Please start by giving us your feedback and suggest your ideas to us,. We encourage your children to also provide their input as we want to hear all perspectives. To help facilitate this engagement, we hope our new website can be a great resource and platform for our Samaj.

Convention 2025

July 3-5, 2025

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We are grateful to our awesome sponsors.
Thank you!